Thursday 10 March 2011

Getting ready - March 10 2011

Well here we are - T minus 31 days - the 'stuff to do before we go' list is getting shorter (some things are getting done - others seem less important). Another of the items gets crossed off today as I have now created the blog - so you ca track what is happening for us. Enough for now until I really have something to say...


  1. Yay! Now we can always see what you're up to!

  2. This is like the calm before the storm. We're just sitting and waiting for things to happen to you and be able to read your blog. May calm seas, blue skies and fair winds brighten your travels. And make sure Jeffery does his homework!
    Kevin & Bev

  3. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure!

  4. So glad you decided to blog about your travels! Sean and I are looking forward to vicariously sharing the experience with you through this blog!
    Theresa & Sean
